Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Whats Love Got To Do With It: The Sex Addition

       I'm Greatly enjoying this "blogging" thing, hence my third post and the day isn't even over yet...but this post is being written while also carrying on a conversation with my best friends....we also might be sharing a rather large bottle of svedka vodka, and in do time this conversation very likely will turn into an argument.
       The topic at hand is that of America's favorite...Sex.

      Mens view on sex, and females view on sex is surprisingly turning into an agreement rather then a disagreement. The boys have asked well why can't females just have sex to have sex think like a man. Sex feels great so why can't it just stop there? Why does a female always expect more to come of it?
      But then the girls rebuttle takes place...Why can't females just have sex without being catagorized as a slut? We'd love to just have a pyschical connection with someone without expecting them to stick around....however that expectation that we hold isn't always our fault. After sex no matter what a man will say the majority of you wether you like to or not, will turn around and wrap your arm around that woman. This is where you are at fault. When cuddling a hormone is released called Oxytocin, this hormone can be confused with the possible feeling that you might be feeling something along the lines of love with this guy.
     So really the fact that woman expect more isn't our fault...it's our bodies fault.

     Now on to the age old question of why a woman can't have just sex or you are a whore. Men do it all the time. They bring home any girl they would like to see naked tonight and nothing becomes of it...it's just men being men. But a female does it and everyone including females look down upon that girl. The rumor mill starts turning and suddenly not only is she considered a slut, but she also might be pregnant, she has multiple std's, and it's very likely that she stole your boyfriend. Even though none of this is true and they are just rumors, it hurts none the less.
     As I made my point the males in this get together ended up agreeing that I am in fact correct and even they have been found to consider a girl "loose" of "not wanted" for these exact reasons.

Sex is America's past time, Everyone deserves to get lucky.


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