The boyfriend had a child. Well he fathered a child. When the relationship that he began after me ended, he found a rebound girl. At first he was maybe considering something more with this girl, at first it was really just sex. However the more he got to know the girl...the more he began to reallize that she was nuts. She was ecstatic to show him her youtube page, which more so just resembled something that looked like a 10 year old trying to act, it's very odd to say the least. She also find the need to brag about the multiple antidepressant drugs she was taking. There were a few screws missing from this one.
The longer they hung out, which never exceeded 2 months, the more he learned and the less he liked. But she was an easy lay, and didn't have to put forth any effort to get it in. But one day she brought up the enevitable, the conversation that every guy hates, what are we? Where are we going? He told her that he like the sex, but he wasn't looking for anything more. She didn't like that answer, she got very upset. But a few days later, she was fine. That was the last time they hungout, then a month and a half later she contacted him and said she was pregnant. How did this happen? Well the girl was on birthcontrol. She was then placed on an antibiotics. Well any girl knows that an antibiotic counter acts the birthcontrol. Some might think, well the majority might think that she tried to trap him. I can't say I would disagree with you.
I was the first person that my boyfriend called, in tears, terrified of what he was going to do. I've stood by him threw the most dramatic 9 months ever. Well now the child is 4 weeks old. And the mom wants something more with my man. He's made it very clear that he does not.
When someone is hurt they last out, try and hurt the one who hurt them. No one knows that he is a father except a select few that he knew he could trust. But now everyone knows. She tagged him in every photo of the baby and with her. She still doesn't know about me, but really its only a matter of time till she does.
It's really sad though to see someone go so out of there way to try and hurt someone, Where does that get you? You're still alone at night, but now you're also losing a friend. You're going to put that baby threw hell and back by not getting along with the father just because your not getting your way. And your child is not a ploy in some game. It's not fair to use an innocent baby to try and hurt someone else.
I really wish I could have ten minutes with this girl to tell her everything I think, that she is a heartless bitch and she got herself in this situation knowing fairwell that nothing was going to happen with him. It's your fault you pyshotic whore.
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