Sunday, February 19, 2012

My Heart was Talking to my head, Said I've loved once I'll never Love again...

History Repeats Itself.

     We've all heard it. We either chose to listen, or ignore it. Why would it repeat itself? Did we not learn our lesson the first time? Or at least now we know how to change it.
     No matter how many second chances you had out to someone, somehow in the end you're the one sitting there feeling like an idiot. You felt like they really had in fact changed, or you can help them change for the better. You CAN'T change someone unless THEY are willing to change.
     I've lived my life once without you, it's not that I can't live without you, I just don't want to. But how much trust can you keep giving someone to have it just thrown in your face. You get walked all over and for what? The feeling of love that might or might not just be in your head? You fall asleep next to a man you would give your world to, that you want your future with...but what do you do when that person just keep repeating the same mistakes? Are you so blindsided by what you feel is love to even see past what you believe are the good things, to see that maybe this person isn't meant for you.
     When I let you go, You come crawling back one way or another, just with extra baggage. You'd think you'd see the things you've put me threw in the past 4 years and try your hardest to NOT lose me like you claim you don't want to. But somehow even when I call you out on your lies, it's my fault. I'm to blame.

      I'm not one to just give up and walk away. But when do you know enough is enough and walking away is the best for everyone?


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